Choirs of Wellington Cathedral of St Paul

There are four choirs which lead music in worship at Wellington Cathedral of St Paul.

Cathedral Choir

Director: Michael Stewart

The Choir of Wellington Cathedral of St Paul is a mixed voice choir of 25 singers which has developed a reputation as one of the finest ensembles of its kind in Australasia. The choir has toured to Australia; Fiji; England and Ireland (2002); and England and Paris (2008). In addition to singing at the Cathedral, the choir has performed frequently in concerts and radio and television broadcasts. The choir has been fortunate to have award winning young Kiwi, Andrew Baldwin, as Composer-in-Residence at the Cathedral from 2007-2009. The choir has worked with conductors such as Andrew Lumsden, Director of Music, Winchester Cathedral, UK;  Katherine Dienes-Williams, Director of Music, Guildford Cathedral UK; Dr Richard Marlow, Fellow in Music, Trinity College Cambridge; and Philip Scriven, Director of Music, Lichfield Cathedral. To mark the Jubilee of the Cathedral's consecration in 2014, the choir released ‘Eternal Spirit’, a recording of music written for the Cathedral over the last fifty years.

The Cathedral Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings between 6.30-8.30pm, and usually sings at both the 10am Choral Eucharist and 4pm Choral Evensong every Sunday (rehearsing for one hour prior to each).

Please get in touch with Michael Stewart at with any enquiries.

Cathedral Choristers

Director: Michael Stewart

The Cathedral Choristers number up to 24 boys and girls aged between 8 and 15. The choir rehearses twice a week, on Tuesdays and on Thursdays (before singing Evensong). The Choristers lead the Sunday Choral Eucharist or Choral Evensong once a month.

Each young person learns to work as part of a team and to take responsibility for his or her own performance. Choristers are treated as young professionals and the Cathedral treble programme represents one of the finest musical educations available to young people in New Zealand. The choristers use a ribbon training scheme which provides both musical education and Christian training.

The Choristers are often called on to sing in professional engagements, and have appeared with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra and Orchestra Wellington.

The Choristers receive Christian training each week, where they explore what it means to be a disciple of Christ, and how their faith impacts their day-to-day lives.

There is no charge to be a member of the choristers, other than occasional donations to cover costs associated with special training days.

The Director of Music, Michael Stewart, is always happy to audition prospective choristers. Please make contact with him on if you are interested in finding out more.

Children's Choir

Director: Joanna Rosario

Does your child love to sing? The Cathedral runs a children's choir for children aged between 5 - 8. It provides an opportunity for children to sing, explore their faith and learn essential vocal technique and music theory through games and music.

The children's choir rehearsing outside on a fine day

The choir is directed by Joanna Rosario, and rehearses during school term time on Thursday afternoons between 4-4.30pm, and once a month sings a service with the Cathedral Choristers as well as occasionally singing services and enjoying outings by themselves.

Joanna Rosario is the Interim Director of Music at St Mark’s Church School, and is a member of the Cathedral Choir.

There is no cost or audition to be a member of the choir.

Please contact Michael Stewart for further information about the choir by emailing

St. Paul’s Chorale

Director: Michael Stewart

St. Paul’s Chorale is a voluntary auditioned adult choir which sings in the Cathedral from time to time. Repertoire consists of parish to Cathedral-level music that can be prepared in a modest amount of rehearsal time. Prospective singers are given a short range test before entry.

Please get in touch with Michael Stewart at with any enquiries.